PE Funding 2015/2016

For the third year running, we have received a PE Grant from the Government to provide and motivate children to be involved in sporting activities.

The fund has enabled us to provide the children and staff with a wide range of opportunities:-

  • Lunchtime Equipment £3218
  • Premier Sport Lunchtime Club £863
  • Curriculum Coaches £1491
  • Repairs £600
  • Costs to attend events £630
  • PE Resources £2065
  • Staff Inset £200


Lunchtime equipment and Premier Sport Lunchtime Club

At Ashleigh we decided to invest in getting our children more active at Lunchtime and Breaktime.   We zoned the area on our field and provided equipment for the children to enjoy.  MSAs were trained on how the equipment was to be used and how the areas were to be set up.  Our zones were:

‘Play Area’ – Circus skills, French Skipping, Egg and Spoons, etc.

‘Football’ – Two football pitches were marked out and goals and equipment purchased.

‘Target Games’ – various throwing equipment was purchased including nets and balls

‘Board Games’ – large chess, snakes and ladders, Jenga, nought and crosses, Draughts

‘Little Latitude’ – wireless speaker, non-slip flooring, equipment

We have found that children like all of the areas and have said that they are more active now.

Before equipment –

“We used jumpers for goal posts.”

“Not enough to do”

“Quite boring”

“People often fell out”

Now –

“We play proper football.”

“Less fall outs”

“We liked the coaches at lunchtime.”

“It is nice to have the equipment, it keeps us more active.”

Feedback about the equipment from MSAs has been positive.  They have said that children are more active and it has also had a positive impact on the children’s behaviour.

Curriculum Coaches

The Specialist coaches we have employed through Norwich City Community Sports Foundation and Premier Sports have had an impact on both staff and children, particularly in Gymnastics, football and cricket.  The children made good progress mad the teachers said it helped with their subject knowledge of the different sports.

Children also thought that the coaches helped the teachers learn more about different sports and they were able to see the skills the coaches used.



Our equipment is regularly checked for safety and replaced or repaired accordingly.

Costs to attend events

We have attended more events this year than previously years and been successful at Cross Country and Tri Golf.

Some children also had the opportunity to attend a Multi Skills Event at UEA, a rugby event, gymnastics and two football events, all of which were thoroughly enjoyed.

We have also hosted two football matches against two other schools and won both matches.

PE resources

As our school is expanding, we need to purchase more resources to suit different children.  We have also purchased resources so we can offer a rugby and Tri-Golf After School Club.

Staff Inset

A member of staff attended a PE Assessing Without Levels Course which will be feedback to the staff in the Autumn Term as a tool to assess progress in PE.

We are continuing to look at providing different opportunities to motivate the children at Ashleigh to lead healthy, active lives.



This year we have been able to run a Change for Life Club for a group of children. The children were asked about different aspects and attitudes to PE and healthy living at the beginning of the 10 weeks and again at the end to measure the impact of the club. We are pleased to report that children responded well and changes have been made to their lifestyle.

These are the questions asked and our findings